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  • mlpownc

Starting Phase 2

Updated: Jul 8, 2022

You didn't miss anything. Phase 1 is not finished. We are waiting on the electric company to install our pole and run the lines to the shed and the 3 sites. Like a lot of other enterprises, they are very busy with new developments and the like.

So, we decided to begin Phase 2 in the meantime. It's been a while since we cleared this area of the property, so some more clearing of recent growth was necessary.

Next, we determined, approximately, where our two sites would be located and roughed them in. Ultimately, the plan I sketch, like Phase 1, will have to be approved by the county planning department. There are quite a few more requirements to building a manufactured home park instead of an RV park. Additionally, I need to apply for another septic system authorization to build permit for this phase of the project.

Below are brief videos of what goes into building the actual pad for the homes.

The Finished Product

Below is the final detailed plan I submitted to the county. There are several setbacks of importance - units must be 25 feet from the state road, units must be 30 feet apart, units must be 15 feet from the internal paved road, all development must be 5 feet from property line, and the septic tank and drain fields must be 5 feet from any dwelling. There are also requirements pertaining to roadways. All roads must be 12 feet wide with a 2 foot shoulder on each side and a right of way of 30 feet. Because Phase 2 is located on a dead end, a T had to be constructed with one extension measuring 50 feet and the other 25 feet. This will allow emergency vehicles and rigs with homes the ability to turn around and exit from whence they came. Lastly, all dwellings are required to have 400 square feet of parking, enough to accommodate two vehicles. As you can see, each phase of the project has a lot of issues to take into consideration. In fact, multiple plans were submitted before this last one was approved.

Next up will be installation of the septic systems for these 2 lots.

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