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  • mlpownc

This, That, and The Other Thing

With utilities installed on the property, we were able to focus on several details to get Phase 1 ready for opening. Tentatively. Phase 1 should be open on October 1.

Firstly, came the inspections by the county agents of the electric and water lines. When the plumber came out in April to rough-in the shed plumbing, we didn't have water hooked up. They knew this and there was an understanding that they would come back to perform a pressure check on the pipes for the building inspection. Long story short, the plumber tried to charge me an additional $279 to run the check! Normally, the check is part of the estimate for the job. Fortunately, the county inspector told me I could run the check myself. We purchased a test ball ($49.99), inserted it in the clean out section of the drainpipe, filled the utilitub with water and checked the water level in the tub three days later. The water level was roughly the same meaning we had no leaks in the drain line.

With no leaks in the lines and both electricity and plumbing approved by the county, the interior build out of the shed began in earnest.

First, we paneled the walls and ceiling, then laid the vinyl flooring. Two coats of brown paint was applied to the walls and gray stain to the ceiling. The part that took the longest time was trimming. Two new washers and dryers were also purchased and installed.

Next, a contractor built an 8 x 8 deck on the front of the shed. The plan is to eventually extend the shed by another 8 x 8 feet, providing another area for tenants to congregate, hang out or wait for their laundry to finish.

Our Sweet Butters checked to ensure the stability and safety of the structure.

Before we could order road bond and spread it, a bit of a glitch had to be dealt with. A welder had to be called to fix a metal support for the bucket on our machine. As it turned out, the event was a foreshadowing of things to come. More about that later.

Another certification that the county required was for the roads. Since we are building a manufactured home park, the width of the roads must be 16 feet and no incline of the surface can exceed 15 percent, otherwise that portion of the road has to be blacktopped.

We knew our road to Phase 1 was wide enough, but we found out a portion of its incline exceeded 15 percent. In order to get a use and occupancy permit from the county to open we will have to post a bond worth 125 percent of the estimate we received to pave the portion. The pavers won't be able to do the work until springtime.

Lastly, we were able to road bond Phase 1. I've been remiss to not define what road bond is. It's the surface that pavers use before they blacktop. It's rock and pulverized rock which when wet and driven over becomes a hard surface. Pavers use it as a base under blacktop.

Below are pictures of the 3 sites for Phase 1. Two of the sites will have grass yards between the dwelling and road (another requirement of a manufactured home park). The same two sites will also have 8 x 12 decks.

With the road paved and surveyed, we applied to the county addressing office to name the road and set up addresses for 911 purposes.

I decided on Sgadugi Drive. Sgadugi is the Cherokee word for community.

And then it happened! While digging a trench for water and electric lines to Phase 2, we heard a huge thud noise. A massive rock we were attempting to move out of our way caused the turntable under the cab of our machine to crack. This affects the cab (seating area) and the bucket. So far, the machine has been down for about a week and a half. We are hopeful it will be repaired and back at it in about a week.

We are undaunted by the machine delay and expect to open for renting October 1. There are several items that still need to be completed before that happens. The shed build out is one; more road bond needs to be spread; two decks have to be built and the WIFI provider needs to hook us to their network.

Details about renting, applications, rates, etc... will be available soon. If you haven't already made contact about your interest in being a resident, please send us your contact details at Contact Us. There is no obligation. Thanks, Kenn

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